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Mixing Dry and Wet Cat Food


With the new year comes new year resolutions. One of the top resolutions for humans is eating healthy. You can read Love, Nala family’s 2020 New Year's Resolution here. Do you have any resolutions for your cat? How about sharing the same resolution of eating healthy? We have some advice on how you can do just that!

Pookie and Shannon often get asked if they feed the Nala family dry cat food, wet cat food, or both. The answer is the cats enjoy mixed feeding, which is exactly why Love, Nala carries both dry and wet cat food

Though our recipes can be fed on their own as they are complete and balanced meals, the cats enjoy the flavor and texture of both. We prefer mixed feeding for the following reasons:

Increases Water Intake 

The main difference between dry and wet food is moisture content. Just like humans, water is essential in maintaining kidney health. There are several ways you can increase water intake for your cat, but we’ve found that adding wet food is an easy and tasty way to add water to a cat’s diet. 

Increases Palatability  

Cats are known for being picky. If your furry family member doesn’t enjoy dry food, topping it with wet food can entice your cat to eat their meal. It adds new flavors and textures to the mix. 

Works with any Age 

With mixed feeding, you get the best of both worlds. The kibble provides a nice crunch, which helps keep teeth clean and healthy. By combining the wet food, those who are a little older can still enjoy dry and wet food.

Helps with Weight Management 

Mixed feeding helps with weight management as you’re able to control portion sizes of each texture. If your cat needs a little help with weight loss, adding wet food may be beneficial as the additional water content helps a cat feel full. If your cat needs extra nutrients like Apollo did when he first joined the Nala family, you can add more dry food as it tends to be more nutrient-dense.

These are suggestions that have worked for our furry family members, but we always recommend that you consult with your veterinarian. Every cat is different and has different needs.

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