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Why Cats Respond to PsPsPs


It’s almost natural when you see a new cat to say “PsPsPs” to get their attention. And it usually works! Let’s discuss some theories why so many cats respond to that particular sound.

Cats hear three times better than humans - up to 64,000 hertz! - and they can hear sounds at higher frequencies than we can. The combination of the P sound, which operates at a low frequency, with the S sound, which operates at a high frequency, grabs cats’ attention in ways that normal human words do not. 

Cats use their exceptional hearing to assist them in hunting. Cats are not long-distance hunters; instead they listen for prey and wait for the perfect moment to pounce. They have 32 muscles in their outer ears, which allows them to move their ears 180 degrees. They can also move their ears independently from each other to accurately discern where sounds are coming from. 

The PsPsPs sound likely sounds like the chattering or squeaking of potential prey, making it something they want to investigate further. Cats are very curious and love checking out new and unusual sights, sounds, and smells. If you use the PsPsPs sound to initiate playtime, that could really get them going. Chasing their toys, lasers, and wands will really get them feeling like a hunter stalking their prey. Just remember to let the cat “catch and kill” their toy so they feel satisfied and reward them for a successful hunt with a tasty treat afterward.

Cats could also associate the PsPsPs sound with positive things, whether it’s treats, meals, snuggles, or pets. If their human calls them over with the PsPsPs sound or even a “Here, kitty, kitty,” and the cat receives something tasty or some love, they will remember that for next time - which is also why they come running when you pop open a can of wet food or crinkle a bag of treats :) 

Love, Nala

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